The ramp build sponsored by Texas Ramp Project as a step toward expanded service to needs in Williamson County

took place last weekend on Saturday, June

2nd, with the help of a great “hands on” team.

Eight of our members teamed to build a wheel

chair ramp for a person heretofore confined to

her home. Thanks to members Larry Baird,

Larry Bingham, Cris Cash Bill Connors,

Gene Davenport, Myra Page, Ken Poteete,

and Erich Prinz the ramp was created and

assembled in 1/2 day. This “Service Above

Self” project will help an elderly grandmother

enjoy an enhanced quality of life. Thanks

guys, and gal. Your community service is

appreciated. Consideration is being given

to an on going relationship with the Texas

Ramp Project in Williamson County. If you

have interest in projects like this, please let

it be known.