Creating Environments Where Peace Can Happen

The Rotary Club of Georgetown, Texas, began its Peace Gardens project in 2022 with a District Assistance Program (DAP) grant. In keeping with Rotary’s commitment to “creating environments where peace can happen,” the Club’s Racial Unity and Peacebuilding Committee envisioned the building of peace gardens on the campuses of local schools. Working in partnership with the Georgetown Independent School District and its campuses, and with the support of Home Depot and the Sun City Texas Woodworkers Club, the Rotary Club of Georgetown is helping to establish peace gardens throughout our community.
Racial Unity and Peacebuilding Committee
Rotary Club of Georgetown Texas

After witnessing the devastation of World War II, Masahisa Goi of Japan devoted his life to building global peace and harmony. In 1955, Goi authored a “Universal Message for World Peace, May Peace Prevail On Earth.” Stickers and posters promoting this message began to appear in public spaces around Japan such as store fronts, train stations and telephone poles. The idea of peace poles was born.
The first Peace Poles outside Japan were constructed in 1983. Since then, more than 255,000 have been placed around the world in close to 200 countries.
Today, the Peace Pole project is promoted by many groups and individuals.
Peace Poles have been placed in such notable locations as the north magnetic pole, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, the site of the Egyptian pyramids in Giza, and the Aiki Shrine in Iwama, Japan.
A Peace Pole is an internationally-recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing vigil in silence for peace on earth.
Planting a Peace Pole is a way of bringing people together to inspire, awaken and uplift the human consciousness the world over. It is a wonderful project for any community or organization.
Peace Poles are now recognized as the most prominent international symbol and monument to peace. They remind us to think, speak and act in the spirit of peace and harmony and stand as a symbol of hope for peace to prevail on earth.