Posted by Denis Pepin on Mar 04, 2019
Dear Rotarians,
This message is to remind all of our members that we "all have access" to a very powerful tool called ClubRunner.  We would urge all members to go to the APP STORE on your phone (or iPAD) and download the ClubRunner app (yes it is free).  Once you login with your Rotary User name and password, you will be able to access a wealth of capabilities, most particularly detailed information about all of our club members.
Dear Rotarians,
This message is to remind all of our members that we "all have access" to a very powerful tool called ClubRunner.  We would urge all members to go to the APP STORE on your phone (or iPAD) and download the ClubRunner app (yes it is free).  Once you login with your Rotary User name and password, you will be able to access a wealth of capabilities, most particularly detailed information about all of our club members.
Whenever you have the need to contact any club member (phone, text or email), you can easily do so through the app.
You will also notice other information available to you like Club Stories, Club Events and even your attendance records.
This tool can answer almost any question you have with regard to club members, activities, future events and it will even allow you to register for events (like the golf tournament).
Once you start using it, you will find it invaluable!  Remember "Mikey likes it"!
Denis Pepin
PR Chairman